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Kane’s Concussion Controversy: Get over it!
Alison Duffy

Kane’s Concussion Controversy: Get over it!
Lately, Kane’s the word, and when I say Kane, I mean mum on what his Winnipeg Jets, the League, teammates and reps will disclose about all the ‘concussion talk’. What really happened? When? And with whom? Evander Kane seems to unfortunately be the target for a selective few bored Winnipegers with nothing better to do with their time than trash talk a player.

Winnipeg - February 10, 2012 - Lately, Kane’s the word, and when I say Kane, I mean mum on what his Winnipeg Jets, the League, teammates and reps will disclose about all the ‘concussion talk’. What really happened? When? And with whom? Evander Kane seems to unfortunately be the target for a selective few bored Winnipegers with nothing better to do with their time than trash talk a player from the team they so badly fought for, for 15 years. It doesn’t seem to make sense.

Who cares what a prosperous, ambitious, and talented young Jet does on his spare time? Apparently, far too many in Winnipeg. How did he get the concussion that has kept him off the ice for seven games? Kane doesn’t remember. If I had a concussion I may not remember everything either. But regardless of the speculation surrounding Kane and a bar fight –Where is the proof? He denies it, and the league supports him 100%.

The Jets organization wants to promote and exemplify the nobility of their players, and my overall take on all this disruptive “Kane” talk, is that he is very well-liked among his teammates, and his Winnipeg Jets coach, Claude Noel speaks very highly of him.

Whatever may have happened that night in a so-called ‘brawl’ at a bar that Kane was supposedly linked to, it doesn’t matter. Pegged as the ‘party-animal’, he should not have to defend himself constantly to a city that is lucky to have him. All I have is a bunch of hearsay. And it’s not what you hear, it’s what you know! And Winnipeg, what we do know is that Kane is OUR lead goal scorer with 18 this season. Who gets to decide what, how and who we judge? Frankly, if the majority of us looked back on what we were doing when we were 20 years of age, we would have been partying just the same but with little or no judgement.

Of course the change in forum from a football and baseball driven Atlanta to an invigorated hockey crazed city like Winnipeg may have Kane wanting to live the life and be spinning in stardom. But who wouldn’t live that up at 20yrs old? If you are a public figure, why does it make it ok to put what he does off the ice on our radar? We loved the Jets so much and cried and begged to get them back, well now we have them so we need to show a little respect.

So what, this dominant forward plays hard, he works hard too. Concussed or not, on the ice or off, anyone asked about the Kane situation was not willing to “officially” comment on the apparent brawl at a local club weeks ago. Maybe because…. It’s none of our business!

Here’s the brass tacks, with a team that only scores 2 times a game at most, we should be counting our stars that Kane is the one leading our pack. Maybe just maybe we should be a little thankful he plays on our team!

Hopefully Kane can quiet the haters when he hits the ice against the Washington Capitals tonight. Good luck Evander, score one for the fans!

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